China Electronics and IBM work together


On September 25, 2017, Vice Premier Liu Yandong visited the IBM Watson global headquarters in the first round of Sino US social and human dialogue in New York, us. IBM Senior Vice President Lee Bono, chairman Rui Xiaowu, chairman of Chinese electronic Greater China IBM Chen Liming, chief accountant Chinese electronic Li Xiaochun accompanied Vice Premier Liu Yandong to visit, and help to solve due to population growth, health risk and disease incidence rate rise slow to bring health problems introduced how to use the latest technology.

Vice Premier Liu Yandong (front row, third from left) visited IBM Watson global headquarters, IBM Senior Vice President Lee Bono (front left second) chairman Rui Xiaowu Chinese electronic (right fourth), chairman of Greater China IBM Chen Liming (front left fourth), China electronic Chief Accountant Li Xiaochun (back row, left fourth) to accompany the tour, chief technology officer of Greater China IBM Shen Xiaowei in the introduction.
On September 25th, IBM and Chinese electronic owned electric data signed a strategic alliance agreement in New York, set up a joint venture company, Health provide Watson related solutions to Chinese power market, China respond to major challenges in the management of chronic diseases, population health, clinical decision support and opportunities. Through this strategic alliance, the two companies are committed to promoting the "healthy China 2030" outline of the program to establish ambitious goals to contribute wisdom and strength.


Back to witness the signing party IBM from right to left: Lisa Rometty, Watson Health, vice president of global sales of Shiva Kumar, Watson Health, chief strategy officer, IBM Chen Liming, chairman of Greater China, Li Bonuo, senior vice president of IBM. Chinese electronic witness the signing (from right to left) Rui Xiaowu, Li Xiaochun, chairman of China electronics, China electronic chief accountant, Jia Haiying, director of Chinese, operating the Department of electronic asset song in electric data, the Secretary of the board of directors. The front line contractors are Guo Jijun, vice president of IBM Greater China, general manager of Watson Health division (right) and chairman of CLP data Li Shifeng (left).
